1 thought on “How to clean the diamond ring by yourself”

  1. Alcohol cleaning diamond ring

    The surface of the diamond ring with alcohol to remove oil and pollution. In fact, this is feasible. Sprinkle with half a cup of family, add water of the same capacity, soak the diamond in the solution gently, take it out with paper to absorb water. Alcohol can make the metal ring (especially gold) brighter, while the advantages of sprinklery are volatile, so that the droplets are left on the surface of the diamond, so the diamond ring can be cleaned more clean.

    The soapy water cleaning diamond rings

    The soap for soap for home can also clean the diamond ring. First of all, give the soap in the water, and try to make the soap and soap and soap and soap as possible Water fusion, then remove the diamond ring in the water, soak it for a few minutes, and wash it with a toothbrush. Wash with a toothbrush and rinse with water, and finally wipe it with a soft cloth.
    How to clean the regular maintenance of the diamond ring

    The cleaning diamond ring at home can maintain the diamond ring. The diamond ring needs to be regularly cared for in a regular place. It is too dirty, but because the inlaid diamond ring is easy to take off, so you need to take care of it.

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