4 thoughts on “The three most famous and thieves in the world have attracted everyone's attention. Why are they so powerful?”

  1. There is a profession that can be said to be "everyone shouts." Yes, that is a thief. When it comes to thieves, many people are itchy tooth, thousands of worlds, there are no wonders! There are always some unexpected things in history, and no one knows what will happen next second. Sometimes it always happens. Here are the reality of the world's true stoles for everyone to see how they "work".
    The people have hands and feet and do not go to work, but they stole your wallet without knowing it, not only lost the money, but also lost their documents. Today, let's talk about the three major thieves in the world.
    Third place: Chrisdorf Knight (United States)
    . Knight began his seclusion life because he was tired of the earth. Because there was nothing to eat, he started his thief career, but he only stole the food. Every time he went to the west, he tried to minimize the damage and loss. He only took himself. However, because he had to rely on this means for many years, the number of sneak attacks exceeded 1,000 times. Finally, the police used the military sports sensor to catch him. Due to the crime of theft, Knight was imprisoned and ended his life. But the judge said that he was like a real hermit, and he had never really hurt anyone.
    It second place: Amanda (USA)
    Amanda, an American lady Amanda is more than 80 years old, and she is famous for stealing jewelry. She treats the thief as a career, and the amount involved is as high as $ 20 million. Amanda's crime is too clever and can be released innocently. He was arrested for stealing 68 yuan in the convenience store, but this made the police feel a great humiliation, because the old lady deliberately crime and wanted to be prison for retirement. She is the cunning female stealing the elderly version in "Stealing the Sky", and even more old -fashioned. Over the years, black women in the United States have been in New York, Colorado, Nevada, California Payne's footprints not only spread all over the United States, but also move to Greece, France, Switzerland and other countries. But the French Open is restored, sparse without leakage, the "super old stolen". The American "Taoa Thief" stole the neighbor Zhou Tour World
    The first place: Harris Moore (USA)
    Harris stole at least 5 planes, multiple cars and several ships. Every time he committed the crime, he was called "the red -footed god", and the teenager became an idol and a "folk hero" on the Internet. Starting to escape, it flew more than 1,600 kilometers from the Internet and flying manual. This one can't be called a thief, and he is hunting a bicycle named Culton Harris. Then he started stealing a car and yacht. He never got on a flight class. nickname. But the police still failed to catch him so far, making him a household name.

  2. Luo Yongzheng, a robbers of the rivers and lakes, uniquely unlocking technology. After changing the evil, he taught other people's anti -theft technology. The barefoot god stealing Harris, the youngest thief, Pergera once stole the famous painting "Mona Lisa".

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