Enhancing Precision Mobility: The A Series 150W Brush/Brushless Small Low-Speed Drive Axle

The A Series 150W small low-speed drive axle is perfect for applications requiring precise control and minimal noise. Offering both brush and brushless options, it delivers up to 10 Nm of torque and a top speed of 8 km/h, ideal for medical aids and educational robots where reliability and efficiency are crucial.


The A Series 150W small low-speed drive axle emerges as a pioneering solution for enhancing mobility in compact electric vehicles and automated systems. Offering both brush and brushless configurations, this transaxle is engineered to meet the diverse needs of precision-guided mobility devices, such as medical mobility aids, light-duty robotic platforms, and educational robots.

Product Overview

This drive axle is designed to provide an optimal balance of power, efficiency, and size for applications that require fine control and low-speed operation. It excels in environments where space is limited and noise reduction is crucial.


Specification Detail
Motor Type Available in both Brush and Brushless options
Power Output 150W
Operating Voltage 24V DC
Maximum Speed Up to 8 km/h
Torque 10 Nm
Efficiency Up to 82% (Brushless)
Weight 4.5 kg (9.9 lbs)
Dimensions 280mm x 140mm x 90mm
Application Suitability Medical mobility aids, educational robots, light-duty robotic platforms

Key Advantages

  • Versatile Motor Options: Allows selection between efficiency and cost-effectiveness with brushless and brush motors.
  • Compact Design: Its small footprint makes it ideal for integration into devices where space is a premium.
  • Low Noise Operation: Especially important in applications such as medical or educational settings where noise sensitivity is a factor.
  • Reliable Torque and Speed Control: Provides essential control for applications requiring precision and gentle handling.

Design and Performance Superiority

The A Series drive axle is robustly constructed to provide reliable and consistent performance. The availability of both motor types caters to varying requirements for durability and maintenance, with brushless motors offering enhanced longevity and minimal upkeep. The design also features advanced sealing techniques to protect against dust and moisture, ensuring the axle's suitability for a variety of environments.


This drive axle is particularly suited for:

  • Medical Mobility Aids: Enhances the functionality of electric wheelchairs and mobility scooters, offering patients reliable and controlled movement.
  • Educational Robots: Provides a safe and effective solution for robots used in schools and labs, where durability and precision are key.
  • Light-Duty Robotic Platforms: Ideal for research and development projects requiring accurate motion control and integration flexibility.

While the 150W power output limits this axle to smaller, less demanding applications, its design and capabilities make it an excellent choice for projects that require precise control and moderate power. It is especially well-suited for applications in sectors where safety, precision, and quiet operation are paramount.

This drive axle represents a significant advancement in the design of electric transaxles for small-scale applications, offering a customizable, efficient, and user-friendly solution that broadens the possibilities for developers and manufacturers in the compact mobility market.


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