Which gold shop in Wenchang City, Hainan will recycle gold jewelry?

I am a foreigner, I do n’t know about it, please know how to help you answer. Thank you! My jewelry has several brands, Lao Fengxiang, Liufu Jewelry, Zhou Dasheng.

1 thought on “Which gold shop in Wenchang City, Hainan will recycle gold jewelry?”

  1. Generally, gold and silver jewelry stores have gold jewelry business.
    If your baby is the brand mentioned above, it is best to hold an invoice. It is best to recycle the original store or chain store, eliminating the inspection purity and many links.
    The gold jewelry recycling industry agreed to be acquired at depreciation of the golden base price. It is a lot worse than the price of gold jewelry, which means that the price of gold jewelry is included. Process processing costs and marketing costs, complicated process discounts are more discounted.

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